We had many questions from our customers regarding video from previous post on release RaspberryPi LCD solution: https://www.chalk-elec.com/?p=1553
One guy on forum noticed that CPU usage is 100% during whole demo, others guys decided that problem is with drivers for our LCD/touchscreen and this can burn main processor 🙂
In real, problem is not with driver, but with python game Gemgem. I asked our engineer to record 2 videos: one with normal LCD monitor and mouse, and another with our LCD+touchscreen, with the same version of Raspbian and system settings as in original video. I will gift LCD bundle to first guy who will find any difference in performance on both videos.
The difference between the two performance wise is that the touchscreen game appears to lag or be slower then the gameplay on the normal LCD. The game also loaded faster on the normal LCD then compared to that of the touchscreen LCD. I agree that there is a small difference in performance, but from me viewing the two side by side, there is a differential in the performance of the two.
I see you do not want to reply. May I ask you why that is?
I just watched both videos again with stopwatch and found no difference. Give me exact time on videos when you see the difference in performance.
Hi. I just got two of these the other day and wanted to leave my findings for others on the subject of performance on the raspi. It’s true they are a bit slow, but it’s not the panels, it’s the raspi. Perhaps one day they will offer accelerated xorg drivers for the Broadcom poo. I set mine to force_turbo=1 and set the cpu freq to 1000 and other related stuff. There’s plenty of howto’s on how to do this. The difference is amazing. The touch part works 200% better. The little raspi is just a bit too slow at defaults to be usable.
I’m now looking for something a little faster? 1500mhz should be fine. Any suggestions?
Other than that the panels are great and will be ordering more of them when I find a suitable board to plug them into.
Thanks for good review! Will appreciate if you can drop message on RasPi forum as well.
Hello Till,
Thanks for detailed description! I believe this would be useful to others guys as well.
[…] from external file. One of our customers wrote detailed instructions – see comments to this post: RasPi performance with touchscreen LCD | Chalkboard Electronics Ace Jeangle, Chalkboard Electronics. Reply With Quote + Reply to Thread […]