OK, lets make our own Android ICS tablet based on PandaBoard and our 10″ LCD bundle. We will use Linaro 12.01 build.
We will need Ubuntu 11.04 x64 as a host machine. I tried different others hosts including 10.04LTS and 11.10, but only 11.04 x64 gave me working result. You can install your machine in VirtualBox – that’s exactly what I did. Just turn on Intel virtualization (VT-x) option in BIOS an enable it in VirtualBox. Also, you will need around 40 Gbytes of free disk space.
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \ zip curl zlib1g-dev libc6-dev lib32ncurses5-dev ia32-libs \ x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32readline5-dev lib32z-dev \ libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 tofrodos python-markdown \ libxml2-utils xsltproc libncurses5-dev libreadline6-dev \ gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi uboot-mkimage
Oracle forced to remove Java JDK from standard Ubuntu repository recently. Therefore, we will use small trick to install JDK.
wget https://raw.github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6/master/oab-java6.sh -O oab-java6.sh chmod +x oab-java6.sh sudo ./oab-java6.sh sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linaro-maintainers/tools sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install linaro-image-tools
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
export MANIFEST_REPO=git://android.git.linaro.org/platform/manifest.git export MANIFEST_BRANCH=linaro_android_4.0.3 export MANIFEST_FILENAME=landing-panda.xml mkdir ~/work mkdir ~/work/android cd ~/work/android repo init -u ${MANIFEST_REPO} -b ${MANIFEST_BRANCH} -m ${MANIFEST_FILENAME} repo sync
This will download > 2 Gb of sources and will take around one hour (highly depends on your Internet speed).
cd ~/work wget --no-check-certificate http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/components/android/toolchain/4.6/android-toolchain-eabi-linaro-4.6-2012.01-2-2012-01-13_19-04-18-linux-x86.tar.bz2 tar -jxvf android-toolchain-eabi-linaro-4.6-2012.01-2-2012-01-13_19-04-18-linux-x86.tar.bz2
cd ~/work/android export TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false export TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=~/work/android-toolchain-eabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- make TARGET_PRODUCT=${TARGET_PRODUCT} TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=${TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX} HOST_CC=gcc-4.5 HOST_CXX=g++-4.5 HOST_CPP=cpp-4.5 boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball
If you have multi-core processor, then you should try to use “make -jX …” to speed-up compilation. I used “make -j8 …” on my i7 processor. Compilation time highly depends on your computer and can vary from 20 minutes to several hours. So, have another cup of coffee and keep fingers crossed 🙂
cd ~/work/android export TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard export TARGET_SIMULATOR=false export TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=~/work/android-toolchain-eabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- make TARGET_PRODUCT=${TARGET_PRODUCT} TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=${TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX} HOST_CC=gcc-4.5 HOST_CXX=g++-4.5 HOST_CPP=cpp-4.5 boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball
If you have multi-core processor, then you should try to use “make -jX …” to speed-up compilation. I used “make -j8 …” on my i7 processor. Compilation time highly depends on your computer and can vary from 20 minutes to several hours.
Insert SD card and enter the following command:
df -h
You will see the list of storage devices, you should find out which one is your SD card. Mine has name “sdb”, and I will use it in the next command.
cd ~/work/android/out/target/product/pandaboard sudo linaro-android-media-create --mmc /dev/sdb --dev panda --system system.tar.bz2 --boot boot.tar.bz2 --userdata userdata.tar.bz2 sync
We use here “sdb” as a name of SD card. Now remove SD card and insert it again – you will see several partitions opened in separate windows.
Insert SD card and enter the following command:
cd ~/work wget http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/android/images/landing-panda/install-binaries.sh chmod a+x install-binaries.sh ./install-binaries.sh /dev/sdb2 sync
Here we again use “sdb” as a name of SD card (2 is added to point to system partition).
Go to “/media/boot” folder (this is boot partition of your SD card), open file “boot.txt” and add the following arguments to “setenv bootargs …” string:
omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x600MR-24@60 consoleblank=0
Now save file. And enter the following command to generate boot script:
sudo mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n 'boot script' -d boot.txt boot.scr sync
Now we have working Android with correct LCD output, but our touchscreen doesn’t work. Well, that’s right time to recompile kernel to add touchscreen support. Lets’ proceed!
cd ~work/android/kernel make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- panda_defconfig make ARCH=arm menuconfig
Now select this driver in configuration menu:
Device Drivers --> HID Devices --> Special HID drivers --> HID Multitouch panels
Save configuration and exit.
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- uImage cp ~work/android/kernel/arch/arm/boot/uImage /media/boot sync
Now we have working touchscreen, but it works really weird – only left top corner is working as projected to whole screen. This is because Android gets HDMI default resolution (1920×1080) and assigns it to touchscreen. Our touchscreen is connected through USB and is considered as “external” device, so Android thinks it is related to HDMI input. Therefore we have to configure touchscreen to be considered as “internal” device (just set parameter . Then Android will assign DVI resolution to it.
adb remount adb push Vendor_2087_Product_0a01.idc /system/usr/idc/Vendor_2087_Product_0a01.idc adb sync
Here are links to built images, kernel and boot.scr file:
Full SD card image (use DD or Win32DiskImage to write to card)
If you actually want 12.01 and not 12.03 you will need to use this instead
export MANIFEST_BRANCH=linaro-android-12.01-release
I am trying your guide right now…. I couldn’t get it to work on 12.03. I am still working on it and will report back when I have an answer.
I guess “linaro_android_4.0.3” is another branch of Linaro 12.01. Am I right?
If you checkout linaro_android_4.0.3 I think you are getting 12.03
How can I check this? Just need any reference before I will make changes in blog post.
Is this working on pandaboard or pandaboard es?
I checked on Pandaboard.
I tried to follow your steps to install Android ICS but at the first step for package installation I got the message that some packages could not installed or found.
What can I do? Thanks
I just checked again – all packages installed OK.
Please, check that:
1. You have Ubuntu 11.04 x64 (IMPORTANT: x64 version!!!)
2. You don’t upgrade to 11.10 after installation as per system request.
Packages can differ for different versions of your desktop OS, so please follow all steps exactly.
Thanks for your answer. I will follow all steps again, I will let you know if it is working.
Has somebody tested this on Pandaboard ES ? I have Pandaboard ES and LVDS bundle and can’t get it to work.. Display is OK via HDMI but nothing on touchscreen. I tried changing bootargs but no effect…
Do you know if i could find a prebuilt image to download made by following these steps ? My company proxy doesn’t allow me to get the sources and i dont have access to a 64bit machine for now…
Otherwise, I tried building with ubuntu 11.04 x86 on another network access but it failed with a “branch out of range” error, do you think its related to the 32bit version ?
Hello Nico,
This kind of error is usually related to compiler. And yes, it can be because of 32-bit version.
You will definitely need x64 system to build (you can use VirtualBox – it works OK).
Ok thank you for confirming what i suspected…
I’m already using VirtualBox but unfortunately i can’t enable VTx virtualization because of bios password set by company… i’ll have to try to get access…
That’s why i was asking if someone put this build for download.
Any suggestion for getting the LCD output working ?
I already tried the instructions on “Set correct LCD Resolution” above.
I’m on panda-ics-gcc46-tilt-tracking-blob 12.02, did i try the wrong image ?
I can share my built images. Can you use Dropbox behind your corporate firewall?
Yes I can at least access Dropbox at home, that would be great if you can share it
I could really use the images too. Can you post the dropbox link?
Added to original post links to ready images, kernel and boot.scr.
Just I am in the same boat as Nico. Using pandaboard es, however, I am getting the LCD screen to mirror my hdmi display, but no brightness and no touchscreen working (mouse is working). These images will be very popular can you just post the images on the website?
Images are published (see bottom of original post).
Thank you very much Dr. Ace Jeangle ! That will help me a lot, i’ll try it tomorrow and will report about it.
This build is working fine on pandaboard es thanks. However i have now a little hardware issue : depending on images displayed, i’ve got horizontal lines with “misaligned” pixels on screen… If i touch the LVDS board at parallel connectors it has an effect on those lines, did you already face such problem ? I think i’m gonna check and recheck solder on connectors. Btw display is OK through HDMI via DVI-D port.
Yes, the problem can be with connection. Please check carefully LVDS cable and connectors on both sides.
I am having the same problem with the artifacts. It happens on bootup right across the Android logo and in the app drawer. I didn’t see the same thing using the Debian image.
Regarding artifacts – can someone make a photo of this and also upload somewhere TARs of your Android image?
I uploaded a photo, you can see 3 stripes on screen, i made it on worst case to better see the artefact (it seems it depends on colors or layout displayed). I confirm that isn’t a connection issue, because the artefacts are moving with the image when i scroll the screen up/down.
Here is the link :
I’ll see tomorrow for uploading the android image.
That’s really strange, because only half of lines are distorted.
I will try to explore this problem further and let you know about results.
Is it OK for you if I upload a .img file of my sd card ? I’m not sure it will be usefull, since I used the build available here for download…
No reason to upload SD card image. But can you please test it with Debian in full-screen window manager?
Hi, concerning the artefacts, I have tried Debian and the problem appeared too, but like in Android, not on every image displayed. For example, under the console display, there is no problem, but once i started e.g. iceweasel, the artefacts appeared on some lines.
I’m pretty sure it’s a hardware issue, because if I push on the PCB area between R1 and C6 (LVDS board) with my finger, the artefact disappears, as some PLL would suddenly lock itself by doing that.
Maybe some faulty via or so? Decoupling capacitors ?
Did you find something on your side dagentooboy ?
Hello Nico and dagentooboy,
Yes, I can confirm now that we were able to reproduce this problem. I asked our production to test last batch carefully with Android image and this screen with horizontal table. They found that 3 boards out of 100 in this batch have this problem. They will send these faulty board to my office and I will try to figure out the reason of this problem. Then we will issue workaround for this or will replace boards in case of serious problem that can’t be solved on customer’ side. Thanks for pointing to this problem! Give me couple days to resolve it.
That’s a good point if you’ve been able to reproduce the problem. Let us know if you find a workaround, thank you for the investigation Dr. Ace Jeangle.
I have the same problem regarding to the artifacts on the display…
Thanks for posting the images. I already have Android ICS compiled and on my pandaboard ES, so I really want to get that working. The 10″ LCD is displaying android I can navigate with the mouse. However, I am stuck with the resolution/size being incorrect, and the touchscreen not working at all (the brighness doesn’t work either, but I will tackle that later). The directions given here are for Linaro Android. Does anyone have any idea how to get at the display settings (ie. where do I modify “omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x600MR-24@60 consoleblank=0”?).
If you are compiling custom kernel from the AOSP source you can just edit Linux config file after you run the make panda_defconfig. You will have to append the omap fb config argument to the CONFIG_CMDLINE param. It would look something like this:
CONFIG_CMDLINE=”console=ttyO2,115200n8 mem=1G androidboot.console=ttyO2 omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x600MR-24@60 consoleblank=0″
i ahve follow the steps to build the android for pandaboard but during build i got error->
export TARGET_PRODUCT=pandaboard
export TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=/media/HDD2/work/android-toolchain-eabi/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-
make TARGET_PRODUCT=${TARGET_PRODUCT} TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=${TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX} HOST_CC=gcc-4.5 HOST_CXX=g++-4.5 HOST_CPP=cpp-4.5 boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball
host C: fs_get_stats <= build/tools/fs_get_stats/fs_get_stats.c
/bin/bash: gcc-4.5: command not found
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/EXECUTABLES/fs_get_stats_intermediates/fs_get_stats.o] Error 127
user@ubuntu:/media/HDD2/work/android$ arm-linux-gnueabi-ld –version
arm-linux-gnueabi-ld: command not found
i am new to android i was unable to get the problem.
(i have been sucessfully test the LCD+touch screen with pandaboard with debian linux)
You don’t have gcc-4.5 installed. It means, that you missed some of above steps.
Please, proceed exactly as per described steps, or download ready images (see links at the end of post).
how can i install prebuild images to sd card
Please, read carefully original post – it has all required info.
i have installed prebuild images to sd card set the resolution and applied android bianry patch.
but at first time the android flsh screen apears then message is launcher failed message appears on screen .
then i have restart the board then only android splash screen is there on display no desktop is there.
I had the same issue, it was the binary patch that wasn’t installed. I erased sd card and restarted the whole process again. Hope it helps.
i have erase the card again,
then again foolow the steps,
1)copy the prebuild files to /media/HDD2/work/android/out/target/product/pandaboard
sudo linaro-android-media-create –mmc /dev/sdb –dev panda –system system.tar.bz2 –boot boot.tar.bz2 –userdata userdata.tar.bz2
4)cd /media/HDD2/work/
5)wget http://releases.linaro.org/12.01/android/images/landing-panda/install-binaries.sh
6)chmod a+x install-binaries.sh
7)./install-binaries.sh /dev/sdb2
9)cd /media/boot/
10) change resolution (added line to bootargs :omapfb.mode=dvi:1024x600MR-24@60 consoleblank=0)
11)sudo mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -a 0 -e 0 -n ‘boot script’ -d boot.txt boot.scr
still the error is same “unfortunatly: launcher stoped”
i dont understand what is happening.
My PC is 32bit i5 , vmware(virtual ubuntu).
is this create problem for prebuilt images too.
No i’ve done it on 32-bit too. Did you eject and insert the SD card again between your step 3 and 4 ?
Also try to replace boot.scr/Kernel with those provided here
Dear Dr.Ace Jeangle !
I just want to say thank you. I’ve followed every steps in this tutorial so my pandaboard and LCD with touchscreen are working fine now. For everyone who stll have problems, do exactly every single step (but grab the linaro-android-12.01-release as dagentooboy’s mentioned in the first comment) in this post if you want to build your image or just grab the pre-built image uploaded by Dr.Ace (they both work fine).
Best Regards to all.
Thanks, I understand you guys have it working for the Linaro version, I got that working too, it works thank you; However, I built Android from AOSP.com (leaving linaro out of the loop). I found where to add the omapfb line in the AOSP ICS build, modified that file and still the graphics are showong wrong size, wrong resolution and touch pad is non functional (I did figure out the brightness, problem, bad photosensor).
I could make a build with 4.0.1 but I couldn’t make a build with 4.0.3.
And when I tried to boot using 4.0.1.
I’m seeing following errors.
1) Unable to read “preEnv.txt” from mmc 0:1
2) Unable to read “uEnv.txt” from mmc 0:1.
Is there anybody who experienced this issue?
Please help me to get some ideas on it.
These instructions are for 4.0.1 only.
Don’t worry about uEnv.txt and preEnv.txt files – they are just an options for bootargs.
Thank you for your reply.
But the board cannot boot properly and keeps rebooting and displaying the same messages.
Then I would suggest to use pre-built images that I append to the end of this post.These are proved to work by many others people already.
Yes, the prebuilt image works. But I want to build from the source. 🙁
And I want to understand what is wrong.
Usually, this can happen if it had error during downloading of packages.
See for details here: https://github.com/flexiondotorg/oab-java6
Any news for the 7” LCD?
7″ LCD with resistive touchscreen are in stock now, we will add it to shop module in couple days. As to capacitive touchscreen – we still awaiting for samples from supplier.
When will be available?
everything is working fine , i have now a wonderfull LDC + touch screen with my pandaboard.
can you please tell me,how can i add drivers for this touchscreen in ubuntu?
Usually, it should be already in kernel for last versions of Ubuntu. Check output of “dmesg” – does it have any reference to Cando Multi Touch?
FYI… for anyone having the Branch out of range errors during build. The wget link listed here has an old version of the toolchain. If you download the latest toolchain from Linaro (at least for me) it should build.
I have followed the steps to build the android for beagleboard_xm but during build at source code I got error->
build/core/product_config.mk:205: *** No matches for product “beagleboard”. Stop.
my notebook os : ubuntu 11.04 * 64bit(acer aspire5552g)
These instructions are for Pandaboard.
How would one build this for Beagleboard then?
Yes, how would one get do this on the beagle board please!
Please Tell how would i get it for beagleboard.
Anyone have this working on the pandaboard ES?
I downloaded the images,
used linaro-media-create
applied the binary patch
copied the boot.scr and kernel files over to the boot partition,
and pushed the idc file over to the correct location.
It boots up fine and gets to the android lock screen, and I can use a mouse.
the touchscreen isn’t working though. I have some artifacts on the screen but it doesn’t seem to be as bad as the posted screenshot.
any suggestions?
I am constantly getting the following error whenever I try to execute the make command
make -j8 TARGET_PRODUCT=${TARGET_PRODUCT} TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX=${TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX} HOST_CC=gcc-4.5 HOST_CXX=g++-4.5 HOST_CPP=cpp-4.5 boottarball systemtarball userdatatarball
make: *** No rule to make target `boottarball’. Stop.
Even for make boottarball I get the same error.
If anybody is interested I have display working with PandaBoard ES on Android compiled on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. I was using android master repository. Instructions are here http://kafana.org/posts/pandaboard_android_ics/.
Also, I’m having issues with the artifacts on my LVDS board. I emailed tech support, but so far no reply.
Thanks for detailed instructions on building! It will be really helpful for many guys here.
As to artifacts – I will work on this problem and try to figure out the source and workaround.
Thank you for your tutorial, it was a huge help.
As far as the artifacts issue goes, if this is something that will take a long time I’m willing to purchase another LVDS board. How many boards are affected with this production bug, and what is the chance that new board will have the same issue?
For those of you who have been trying to build linaro tracking or AOSP master for our screens I have some steps for you.
For Linaro Tracking I used the new build scripts. I found the solution to our DVI issue here https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+bug/893000
edit kernel/arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap4panda.c
static struct omap_dss_device *omap4_panda_dss_devices[] = {
static struct omap_dss_board_info omap4_panda_dss_data = {
.num_devices = ARRAY_SIZE(omap4_panda_dss_devices),
.devices = omap4_panda_dss_devices,
.default_device = &omap4_panda_dvi_device, };
The order of the devices and .default_device are the two major changes.
For AOSP follow the android build guide except edit arch/arm/configs/panda_defconfig and change CONFIG_CMDLINE to add the bootargs listed above…. then build the kernel (just use make and copy the zImage to device/ti/panda/kernel)… now build Android and install using the Fastboot commands listed in device/ti/panda/README …. Hope this helps you guys.
I followed all the steps until until “Build source code” after a while I got following message:
/tmp/ccoo1EKY.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccoo1EKY.s:2092: Error: branch out of range
make: *** [out/target/product/pandaboard/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libFFTEm_intermediates/Embedded/common/src/b_BitFeatureEm/LocalScanDetector.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
What should I do now?
I started the step again and it seem that it works fine.
But at the next step “create the SD” I got another problem:
Are you 100% sure, on selecting [/dev/sdc] (y/n)? y
tar (child): boot.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/linaro-android-media-create”, line 132, in
unpack_android_binary_tarball(args.boot, BOOT_DIR)
File “/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/linaro_image_tools/media_create/unpack_binary_tarball.py”, line 27, in unpack_android_binary_tarball
File “/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py”, line 100, in wait
raise SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue(self._my_args, returncode)
linaro_image_tools.cmd_runner.SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue: Sub process “[‘tar’, ‘–numeric-owner’, ‘-C’, ‘/tmp/tmpCtCJFd/boot’, ‘-jxf’, ‘boot.tar.bz2’]” returned a non-zero value: 2
Did I made a mistake in one of the steps before?
Thomas, check that you got three tar.bz2 files after make step is done.
thanks for your answer. I could finished the installation and it worked fine.
Now I have to performe the last step to work with the touch funktion.
Please can you describe the your last step more in detail. I didn’t work with the adb command before and I’m not realy sure how to use it.
ADB is standard utility for remote shell from Android SDK. More details are here: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.html
Hello Dr. Jeangle,
I still have a problem with the touchscreen. I followed all the steps. Only the last command did not work. I looked to the SD card and the file was copied correctly I think. But after restart again no feedback from the touch.
Thanks Thomas
Hi, i wanted to know if someone has used the serial port of the Pandaboard, is just that i didn’t get any errors while compiling, and it runs fine, but when i try to connect to the serial port with a laptop using minicom, i get an error of protocol, and there has been a similar behaviour when i try to connect with the USB port to use it from eclipse, i think there is something wrong with the kernel, and i tried to use another kernel but it doesn’t start, i don’t know what could i do…
I’ve followed all steps above but i just get error make: *** No rule to make target `boottarball’. Stop. while call make command. I think this because all my source files are in home but not in ~/work/android. But i don’t know why they always in there when i finish downloading. I was in ~/work/android/ when i call
repo sync
We are trying on 12.06 linaro release on pandaboard ES and the display is not coming onto lcd, but DVI is working fine.
Can you please let us know the solution?
I did these ,but got error:
*** Default configuration is based on ‘versatile_defconfig’
# configuration written to .config
*** Can’t find default configuration “arch/arm/configs/android_omap4_defconfig”!
make[3]: *** [android_omap4_defconfig] error 1
make[2]: *** [android_omap4_defconfig] error 2
make[1]: *** [sub-make] error 2
make[1]:leaving dir `/home/ailk/work/android/kernel’
make: *** [android_kernel] error 2
I have done the above steps to setup touchscreen (using the 10″ 720p panel with touch) on panda but the touch is relative and not absolute (meaning: i have to drag the cursor to a position and tap to select an icon). How can i calibrate and fix this issue???
Please, let me know which LCD do you use? We had 10″ LCDs – one with 1024×600 and another 1280×800 resolution. Also, they use different touchscreen controllers – one is Cando Multitouch, another is N-Trig DuoSense.
I too have the same issue. I’m using 1280X800 LCD and configure N-Trig DuoSense in the kernel. I also have another LCD 1024X600, which works fine.
Which version of Android do you use?
linaro 12.06, its ICS.
I’m trying to install Android 4.1 Jelly Bean on the pandaboard ES with this bundle. I see the
Android word displayed on the screen,but only for some time. After that,it disappears and I see only a blinking pointer that never stops. Nothing happens anymore. This is the log :
.847259] cpuidle: using governor menu
[ 4.853363] _regulator_get: omap_hsmmc.0 supply vmmc_aux not found,
using dummy regulator
[ 4.864685] _regulator_get: omap_hsmmc.4 supply vmmc_aux not found,
using dummy regulator
[ 4.913269] usb 1-1.2: new low-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-omap
[ 4.951446] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
[ 4.957366] usbhid: USB HID core driver
[ 4.962066] logger: created 256K log ‘log_main’
[ 4.967071] logger: created 256K log ‘log_events’
[ 4.972290] logger: created 256K log ‘log_radio’
[ 4.977447] logger: created 256K log ‘log_system’
[ 4.982788] thermal_governor_dev_register:Adding omap_ondie_governor governor
[ 4.990386] thermal_init_thermal_state:Not all components
registered for cpu domain sensor (null), gov=efd987a0, cooling=
[ 5.003326] omap-iommu omap-iommu.0: ducati registered
[ 5.012329] SDP4430 SoC init
[ 5.045745] asoc: null-codec-dai MultiMedia1 mapping ok
[ 5.052612] asoc: null-codec-dai MultiMedia2 mapping ok
[ 5.060455] asoc: null-codec-dai Voice mapping ok
[ 5.067047] asoc: null-codec-dai Tones mapping ok
[ 5.073425] asoc: null-codec-dai Vibra mapping ok
[ 5.079193] asoc: null-codec-dai MODEM mapping ok
[ 5.084564] usb 1-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=1997, idProduct=0409
[ 5.084869] asoc: null-codec-dai MultiMedia1 LP mapping ok
[ 5.097991] usb 1-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
[ 5.099670] mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch.
assuming write-enable.
[ 5.099731] mmc0: new SDHC card at address e624
[ 5.119079] usb 1-1.2: Product: Micro Keyboard
[ 5.119110] mmcblk0: mmc0:e624 SU04G 3.69 GiB
[ 5.128479] usb 1-1.2: Manufacturer: Riitek
[ 5.134246] asoc: FM Digital omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
[ 5.141387] asoc: twl6040-legacy mcpdm-dl mapping ok
[ 5.148010] input: Riitek Micro Keyboard as
[ 5.148590] asoc: dmic-hifi omap-dmic-dai-0 mapping ok
[ 5.149475] asoc: twl6040-dl1 mcpdm-dl1 mapping ok
[ 5.149780] asoc: twl6040-ul mcpdm-ul1 mapping ok
[ 5.150238] asoc: twl6040-dl2 mcpdm-dl2 mapping ok
[ 5.150482] asoc: twl6040-vib mcpdm-vib mapping ok
[ 5.150787] asoc: Bluetooth omap-mcbsp-dai.0 mapping ok
[ 5.151062] asoc: Bluetooth omap-mcbsp-dai.0 mapping ok
[ 5.151306] mmcblk0: p1 p2 p3 p4
[ 5.151550] asoc: FM Digital omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
[ 5.151824] asoc: MODEM omap-mcbsp-dai.1 mapping ok
[ 5.152069] asoc: dmic-hifi omap-dmic-abe-dai-0 mapping ok
[ 5.152343] asoc: dmic-hifi omap-dmic-abe-dai-1 mapping ok
[ 5.152587] asoc: dmic-hifi omap-dmic-abe-dai-2 mapping ok
[ 5.234039] generic-usb 0003:1997:0409.0001: input: USB HID v1.11
Keyboard [Riitek Micro Keyboard] on usb-ehci-omap.0-1.2/input0
[ 5.251586] input: PandaES Headset Jack as
[ 5.260711] input: Riitek Micro Keyboard as
[ 5.274169] generic-usb 0003:1997:0409.0002: input: USB HID v1.11
Mouse [Riitek Micro Keyboard] on usb-ehci-omap.0-1.2/input1
[ 5.289825] Error: Driver ‘hdmi-audio-dai’ is already registered, aborting…
[ 5.297454] OMAP4 HDMI audio SoC init
[ 5.302642] asoc: hdmi-audio-codec hdmi-audio-dai mapping ok
[ 5.309997] ALSA device list:
[ 5.313140] #0: TI OMAP4 Board
[ 5.316558] #1: TI OMAP4 HDMI Board
[ 5.320648] oprofile: hardware counters not available
[ 5.325988] oprofile: using timer interrupt.
[ 5.330657] GACT probability NOT on
[ 5.334350] Mirror/redirect action on
[ 5.338256] u32 classifier
[ 5.341094] Actions configured
[ 5.344757] Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
[ 5.349792] nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (14392 buckets, 57568 max)
[ 5.356597] ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
[ 5.362396] xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
[ 5.367401] usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 5 using ehci-omap
[ 5.374664] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
[ 5.380432] arp_tables: (C) 2002 David S. Miller
[ 5.385345] mmc1: card claims to support voltages below the defined
range. These will be ignored.
[ 5.385467] TCP cubic registered
[ 5.385467] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
[ 5.402801] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[ 5.408355] Mobile IPv6
[ 5.410949] IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
[ 5.417205] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[ 5.421966] NET: Registered protocol family 15
[ 5.426696] NET: Registered protocol family 35
[ 5.431549] lib80211: common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers
[ 5.437622] Registering the dns_resolver key type
[ 5.442626] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30
variant 9 rev 4
[ 5.450744] ThumbEE CPU extension supported.
[ 5.455322] Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
[ 5.463989] thermal_cooling_dev_register:Found cpu cpu
[ 5.469451] thermal_cooling_dev_register: doing deferred tdev
[ 5.475555] thermal_sensor_dev_register:Found cpu cpu
[ 5.480926] thermal_sensor_dev_register:Adding omap_ondie_sensor sensor
[ 5.487976] thermal_init_thermal_state: Getting initial temp for cpu domain
[ 5.495361] thermal_request_temp
[ 5.498779] omap_safe_zone:hot spot temp 64067
[ 5.503601] cpufreq_apply_cooling: Unthrottle cool level 0 curr cool 125000
[ 5.511016] omap_thermal_step_freq_up: temperature reduced, stepping up to 0
[ 5.518768] thermal_request_temp got 52000
[ 5.524047] Power Management for TI OMAP4.
[ 5.524261] mmc1: queuing unknown CIS tuple 0x91 (3 bytes)
[ 5.525268] mmc1: new SDIO card at address 0001
[ 5.539916] sr_init: No PMIC hook to init smartreflex
[ 5.543548] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=2087, idProduct=0a01
[ 5.543548] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,
[ 5.543548] usb 1-1.3: Product: Cando 10.1 Multi Touch Panel with Controller
[ 5.543609] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: Cando Corporation
[ 5.543609] usb 1-1.3: SerialNumber: 20091003.001
[ 5.578491] smartreflex smartreflex.0: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex
driver initialized
[ 5.586853] smartreflex smartreflex.1: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex
driver initialized
[ 5.595306] smartreflex smartreflex.2: omap_sr_probe: SmartReflex
driver initialized
[ 5.603881] SmartReflex Class3 initialized
[ 5.609161] cma: CMA: reserved 32 MiB at ac000000
[ 5.616363] clock: disabling unused clocks to save power
[ 5.625854] fbcvt: Aspect ratio not CVT standard
[ 5.625854] fbcvt: 1024×600@60: CVT Name – Not a CVT standard –
0.614 Mega Pixel Image
[ 5.630981]
[ 5.646392] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
[ 5.657379] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
[ 5.668334] omapfb omapfb: failed to apply dispc config
[ 6.190124] Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128×75
[ 6.214721] regulator_init_complete: VANA: incomplete constraints, leaving on
[ 6.223327] regulator_init_complete: CLK32KG: incomplete
constraints, leaving on
[ 6.234313] regulator_init_complete: VDAC: incomplete constraints, leaving on
[ 6.244812] regulator_init_complete: VUSB: incomplete constraints, leaving on
[ 6.254608] twl_rtc twl_rtc: setting system clock to 2000-01-01
00:00:01 UTC (946684801)
[ 6.263641] omap4iss omap4iss: Revision 40000103 found
[ 6.273803] ov5650 3-0036: Failed reading register 0x302a!
[ 6.279693] ov5650 3-0036: Failure to detect OV5650 chip
[ 6.285827] iss_register_subdev_group: Unable to register subdev ov5650
[ 6.294830] Freeing init memory: 276K
[ 6.306823] init (1): /proc/1/oom_adj is deprecated, please use
/proc/1/oom_score_adj instead.
[ 6.614593] init: cannot open ‘/initlogo.rle’
[ 6.665100] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p2): mounted filesystem with ordered
data mode. Opts: (null)
[ 6.738555] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): recovery complete
[ 6.747161] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): mounted filesystem with ordered
data mode. Opts: (null)
[ 6.968139] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p5): recovery complete
[ 6.977508] EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p5): mounted filesystem with ordered
data mode. Opts: (null)
[ 7.017578] android_usb: already disabled
[ 7.023132] adb_bind_config
[ 7.152709] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
[ 7.184387] init: cannot find ‘/system/bin/rild’, disabling ‘ril-daemon’
[ 7.259887] init: cannot find ‘/system/etc/install-recovery.sh’,
disabling ‘flash_recovery’
[ 7.270324] init: cannot find ‘/system/bin/pvrsrvinit’, disabling
[ 7.279113] SDP4430 Media: asoc: SDP4430 Media no valid capture
route from source to sink
[ 7.289367] SDP4430 Media: asoc: SDP4430 Media no valid capture
route from source to sink
[ 7.298767] SDP4430 Media: asoc: SDP4430 Media no valid playback
route from source to sink
[ 7.308197] SDP4430 Media: asoc: SDP4430 Media no valid playback
route from source to sink
[ 7.317535] SDP4430 MODEM: asoc: SDP4430 MODEM no valid capture
route from source to sink
[ 7.326599] SDP4430 MODEM: asoc: SDP4430 MODEM no valid capture
route from source to sink
[ 7.336517] SDP4430 MODEM: asoc: SDP4430 MODEM no valid playback
route from source to sink
[ 7.345855] SDP4430 MODEM: asoc: SDP4430 MODEM no valid playback
route from source to sink
[ 7.472045] (stk) :sysfs entries created
[ 7.473266] (stk) : debugfs entries created root@android:/ #
[ 8.266906] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.16
[ 8.274536] NET: Registered protocol family 31
[ 8.279296] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[ 8.285949] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[ 8.291320] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[ 8.294189] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[ 8.395233] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[ 8.401367] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[ 8.516387] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.2
[ 8.521514] Bluetooth: HCI H4 protocol initialized
[ 8.526641] Bluetooth: HCI BCSP protocol initialized
[ 8.533447] Bluetooth: HCILL protocol initialized
[ 8.640075] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized
[ 8.645385] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized
[ 8.651062] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11
[ 8.735748] Bluetooth: Bluetooth Driver for TI WiLink – Version 1.0
[ 8.744140] (stc): st_register(4)
[ 8.744171] (stc): chnl_id list empty :4
[ 8.744171] (stk) : st_kim_start
[ 8.854217] (stk) :ldisc_install = 1
[ 8.911041] (stc): st_tty_open
[ 8.914733] (stk) :line discipline installed
[ 8.919982] (stk) :TIInit_7.6.15.bts
[ 9.227020] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 4
[ 9.231964] (stc): st_register(2)
[ 9.246673] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 2
[ 9.251831] (stc): st_register(3)
[ 9.260742] (stc): add_channel_to_table: id 3
[ 9.541168] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property
‘ro.product.manufacturer’, use ${name} instead
[ 9.554016] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property
‘ro.product.model’, use ${name} instead
[ 9.564697] init: using deprecated syntax for specifying property
‘ro.serialno’, use ${name} instead
[ 9.928771] adb_bind_config
[ 10.212615] adb_open
[ 10.894134] init: untracked pid 1326 exited
[ 11.290863] (stc): remove_channel_from_table: id 3
[ 11.291503] (stc): remove_channel_from_table: id 2
[ 11.301147] (stc): remove_channel_from_table: id 4
[ 11.309295] (stc): all chnl_ids unregistered
[ 11.318511] (stk) :ldisc_install = 0
[ 11.322692] (stc): st_tty_close
[ 13.489837] init: untracked pid 1551 exited
[ 28.430633] init: untracked pid 1591 exited
[ 33.128051] init: untracked pid 1615 exited
[ 33.132934] init: untracked pid 1611 exited
[ 37.796295] init: untracked pid 1638 exited
[ 37.800994] init: untracked pid 1634 exited
[ 43.789855] init: untracked pid 1657 exited
[ 43.801177] init: untracked pid 1661 exited
[ 49.066497] init: untracked pid 1680 exited
[ 49.077941] init: untracked pid 1684 exited
[ 54.131652] init: untracked pid 1707 exited
[ 54.136383] init: untracked pid 1703 exited
[ 59.271179] init: untracked pid 1726 exited
[ 59.278350] init: untracked pid 1730 exited
[ 64.528656] init: untracked pid 1749 exited
[ 64.534545] init: untracked pid 1753 exited
[ 70.473419] init: untracked pid 1772 exited
[ 70.478118] init: untracked pid 1776 exited
[ 75.130554] init: untracked pid 1795 exited
[ 75.130554] init: untracked pid 1799 exited
[ 79.721801] init: untracked pid 1822 exited
[ 79.726562] init: untracked pid 1818 exited
[ 85.162567] init: untracked pid 1841 exited
[ 85.168395] init: untracked pid 1845 exited
[ 89.712554] init: untracked pid 1868 exited
[ 89.717468] init: untracked pid 1864 exited
Unfortunately the above instructions do not work for me despite following them exactly. I am trying to build in an Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64 virtual machine that has been completely left alone except for the steps given, it has 2GB of RAM, 2GB of swap, 120GB HD with 91% free. JDK is Sun 6, gcc is 4.5, make is 3.81 but when I run the make call I get:
/tmp/ccp20NBM.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccp20NBM.s:2092: Error: branch out of range
make: *** [out/target/product/pandaboard/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libFFTEm_intermediates/Embedded/common/src/b_BitFeatureEm/LocalScanDetector.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs….
Some assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I read somewhere that the version of the toolchain (4.6) that this page refers to is the cause of the issue I was having so I downloaded the latest (4.7) and tried again and I get a new error. This time it’s
system/media/wilhelm/src/assert.c:24: error: undefined reference to ‘__android_log_assert’
system/media/wilhelm/src/assert.c:31: error: undefined reference to ‘__android_log_assert’
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [out/target/product/pandaboard/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libOpenSLES_intermediates/LINKED/libOpenSLES.so] Error 1
I cannot use touchpanel on Linaro 12.08.
I tried this page’s how to, but not enabled.
Touchpanel is N-Trig DuoSense 10’1inch LCD.
If anybody knows how to, tell me please.
[…] to explain how to get USB devices to be seen ny Android as an internal devices , blah blah blah. https://www.chalk-elec.com/?p=1426 This is the only thorn in my side right now. If this can be figured out, then these would be the […]
[…] JB running on my Pandaboard ES with LG 10″ with touchscreen. Compare it to our old How-to: https://www.chalk-elec.com/?p=1426 and feel the […]
[…] How to compile Android ICS with touchscreen support … – OK, lets make our own Android ICS tablet based on PandaBoard and our 10″ LCD bundle. We will use Linaro 12.01 build. Prerequisites. We will need Ubuntu 11.04 x64 …… […]